News & Fuel Estimates

Fuel Prices Less now than in 2019

Fuel Prices Less now than in 2019

As we are approaching the festive season a small silver lining presents itself where our fuel prices are concerned. Recent research shows that South Africans are in actual fact paying about 9% less now for fuel than what they did a year ago. This is largely due to the...

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Fuel Drop predicted as we enter into Spring

Fuel Drop predicted as we enter into Spring

Spring is in the air and travelling is slowly opening up. More good news is that a fuel drop is is on the horizon as the AA predicts a price drop. 95 Octane petrol is expected to drop by plus minus 4 cents due to a decrease in the oil prices, with diesel expecting a...

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Bigger than expected fuel price increase for July

Bigger than expected fuel price increase for July

Fuel increases struck again. During the whole COVID pandemic, the decrease in our fuel prices brought some relief to an already struggling economy, just to increase amidst the restrictions being lifted. What we thought to be a silver lining quickly vanished as the...

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How does the US, Iran conflict affect SA fuel prices?

How does the US, Iran conflict affect SA fuel prices?

In his usual fashion, President Trump confounded both his allies and critics by ordering the assassination of General Qasem Soleimani. As news of this event rippled across the world, crude oil prices shot up by a staggering 4% to hit $70 a barrel. The reason for this...

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Ongoing Fuel Hikes Crippling SA Economy

Ongoing Fuel Hikes Crippling SA Economy

According to the monthly data released by the Central Energy Fund, the South African Automobile Association predicts that going deeper into the year, South Africans should brace for fuel hikes on petroleum products such as paraffin, petrol, and diesel. When the price...

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Expected Fuel Hike Coming Soon In South Africa

Expected Fuel Hike Coming Soon In South Africa

Based on the recent fuel price review by the Department of Energy, South Africans should brace for an expected fuel hike. Why you’ll pay more for fuel/gas The expected fuel hike is due to expected global economic disruptions but specifically in South Africa and it's...

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8 Fuel Saving Vehicles to purchase

8 Fuel Saving Vehicles to purchase

In the market for a new car? In today's post, we will be sharing some helpful information on vehicles that will save you some hard-earning money in terms of fuel and add to more happy miles for a vacation. Even though during the month of July we have had a drop of 96...

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A closer look into Crude Oil

A closer look into Crude Oil

Crude oil used across the globe forming a pivotal part of our daily lives & been harvested for thousands of years and is a great investment.
Even if supply diminishes will retain the highest value of investment. Without it the world known to us would pretty much be in the dark.
As it forms the foundation of power to just about everything, we use every day.
It is said to believe that more than 4000 years ago asphalt was used in the construction of the walls and towers Babylon.
There was a pitch spring on Zacynthus and oil pits near Babylon. Also, great quantities of oil were found on the river banks of Issus.

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Fuel Business in South Africa

Fuel Business in South Africa

The oil enterprise is split between upstream and downstream actions. Upstream is the exploration and manufacturing of crude oil. While downstream is the refining, transportation, promoting and advertising of end-user merchandise. South Africa has no crude oil reserves...

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Petrol down and Diesel up – November

Petrol down and Diesel up – November

While fuel prices have moderated during October with the possibility of some relief for the petrol users. Diesel and illuminating paraffin users will find themselves in quite the opposite boat. The AA says that the exchange rate started the month badly but has leveled...

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