How You’re Affected by Oil Prices
The price of oil is set daily on the commodities market. The price of oil is typically very volatile and can change significantly over short periods of time.
If you are an investor in the oil industry, you might be drawn to investing where the risks are lower. Oil prices may also affect demand for other forms of energy, such as coal or natural gas, as consumers may choose to use less power because they find it to be too expensive.
The price of gasoline is also influenced by the price of oil; when the price increases, people often reduce their consumption because they have fewer discretionary funds available to spend on gasoline.

What Low Oil Prices Mean for Your Family, Finances, and Job Prospects in South Africa
Oil prices have been at a relatively low rate for the past few years, which has had both positive and negative impacts on countries. Countries with high import rates of oil, such as South Africa, are negatively impacted by the lower prices. However, the lower prices help consumers in these countries save money on fuel and goods that use these resources.
The low oil prices discourage some companies to invest in South Africa. When this happens, the number of job opportunities reduces. Some companies may decide not to invest in South Africa because there is not a good chance of finding employees.
5 Reasons Why Low Oil Prices are Great News for the Economy
Low oil prices are a boom for the global economy.
1) Low oil prices reduce the cost of living for millions of people around the world.
2) Low oil prices incentivize consumers to spend money on other goods and services, which boosts economic growth.
3) Lower oil prices mean lower gas prices, which in turn means more money in people’s pockets, and more spending on goods and services.
4) Lower oil price means less speculation in the market which can cause volatility – when speculation goes down, market volatility goes down.
5) For governments with high dependence on revenue from oil production, low oil prices mean that they have more funds for social welfare programs or infrastructure projects like building bridges or installing broadband internet cables.

Why High Gasoline Prices are Bad News for the Economy
High gasoline prices are bad news for the economy for two reasons. First, they are a regressive form of taxation on low-income households because they spend a higher proportion of their income on gas.
Second, high fuel prices make goods more expensive to transport over long distances, which means that goods cost more and local businesses compete less with international companies.